Food truck extravaganza
Residents, join us for our monthly food truck extravaganza. Several gourmet meal options music and fire. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.
We believe every student should love where they live. That’s why our number one priority is delivering the best possible experience for students — at every price point. It’s the goal we continually strive for, and the mantra that shapes our values as an organization.
Student success is our number one priority. Whether it's providing the tools they need to succeed academically, creating a community atmosphere that lets them thrive socially, or including amenities to help them maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle, our student-centric approach means students always come first.
No roommate? No problem! Our roommate matching program is powered by RoomSync–a roommate matching app. Your student will have the opportunity to create a personal profile, search, filter, chat and match with other residents who will be living in the community.
No moving truck needed! Nearly all ACC properties offer fully furnished units at no extra fee. And, our communities are technology enabled, helping your student stay connected to their coursework, friends and you.
With on-site professional management and maintenance, and on-call staff available 24/7, we're always on duty to address your student's needs.
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Our dedication to academically oriented community for your student's success extends to planning programming and hosting community building events.
1993, American Campus has been the nation's leading provider of academically oriented student communities. In our unrelenting commitment to students, we give your student the college experience they want and the academic environment they need to succeed - not just in school, but also in life.
Rates/installments, fees, caps, promotions, deadlines, amenities, and utilities included are subject to change. Rates/installments do not represent a monthly rental amount (and are not prorated), but rather the total base rent due for the lease term divided by the number of installments. Square footage and/or dimensions are approximations and may vary between units. Select units may include ADA accessible features.
Dedicated to student wellbeing
1150 Rhodes Road
Kent, OH 44240
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PMSunday: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM